Jillian Blake

Dear MediLodge,

Where do I begin? First I need to say thank you to Natasha Cook for all the hard work she did. If it wasn’t for her, our father would still be in Detroit sleeping in a broken bed, and not being cared for! The day I called Natasha I was completely grief stricken. She showed me so much compassion! We as a family didn’t know where to turn. His health care providers let him down, failed him! Natasha recognized the fact that he was just a little old man that needed someone to give him a chance. We as a family owe her so much gratitude! MediLodge has changed our lives. We can now enjoy our dad. The care, and compassion that our father has been given by the MediLodge staff has been life changing for him!!! I can’t even imagine what would be going on in our lives today if it was for MediLodge giving him the opportunity to live there. MediLodge has given us as a family a chance to heal!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Jillian Blake

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